মঙ্গলবার, ১৪ জুলাই, ২০১৫

Indu Babu's son- Lost and found.

Indu Babu had just taken on rent a house in Bidden Street, Kolkata. His wife and children had arrived a day earlier from Dhaka. Next evening, his housemaid went out to get kerosene and groceries from nearby Cornwallis street. Unknown to anyone Indu babu's five year old son Poltu followed her. The maid did not know that either. She returned but there was no sign of Poltu.
An hour went by and panic set in the house. Indu babu rushed to Prabhat babu's house in a taxi but he was not there. A relative of Prabhat babu worked in the Jorasako police station. In order not to lose time, Indu Babu took Prabhat Babu's nephew with him to the police station. Madan Babu, the station in charge, understood what had happened and called all the police stations in Kolkata. But, as luck would have it, none of the kids found matched Poltu's description. They even checked the hospitals, but to no avail.
So they decided to return home only to find Prabhat Babu waiting for them in the living room. On hearing about what had happened he went to meet Thakur, who was also in Kolkata at that time. Thakur advised that the news should be flashed and that the lost child will return.
It was already 11 pm but Prabhat Babu knew that there was an advertisement agent living nearby. The got hold of him and put an insertion in two dailies - Amrita Bazaar Patrika and Dainik Basumati. Both Indu Babu and Prabhat Babu spent the night awake, without eating, in the living room. In the morning Prabhat Babu left for a couple of hours for some urgent work and Indu Babu decided to visit a well known astrologer. He heard Indu Babu, closed his eyes for sometime, and said that Poltu should be home by the time he returns or would be coming very soon.
Indu Babu rushed home to find that Poltu was indeed back. A gentleman who had found Poltu had taken him to the Mochee Pada police station. He had read the advertisement and came to Indu Babu's house, took his brother-in-law to the police station and brought him back. The gold ring which the child was wearing was also collected from the police station where it had been deposited for safety.
There was relief at home. Thakur's advice had come true. Whatever had to happen had happened. This tension and suffering was predestined. As luck would have it Madan Babu had called all the police stations except Mochee Pada. In fact, while returning home after putting in the advertisement, even the agent had suggested that they go to Mochee Pada police station and Indu Babu had turned down the suggestion! But the best was yet to come.
Indu Babu's wife was very happy. First she fed Poltu, calmed him down and then went about asking, the little kid of five how he had crossed such big roads without getting into trouble?
Poltu said, "I was not worried at all. Why should I have been? Thakur was holding my fingers when I was crossing the roads! It was only when a crowd had gathered around me that Thakur left me and I was lost."
"Shri Ram Thakur Premanjali"
By Sri Sunit Banerji

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