শনিবার, ১ আগস্ট, ২০১৫

Sri Sri Ram Thakur and Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay

It was the year 1933 or about 72 years ago. The renowned litterateur Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay came to the residence of late Dr. J.M. Dasgupta’s house at 87, Ballygunge Place. Dr. Dasgupta was then the Congress President of the undivided Bengal and Sarat Chandra, was then President of Howrah District Congress. They came to know each other through their Congress activities and later on this turned into close friendship between the two.
Whenever Sarat Chandra has become indisposed, he used to send for Dr. Dasgupta for medical treatment.
On the day in question when Dr. Dasgupta saw Sarat Chandra in his house, he told him “Dada, why did you come to my house. You could have easily spoken to me on the telephone”. Sarat Chandra replied that as he was physically all right, to get the friendship renewed, he had come to meet him.
Both of them were having a chat over tea. Sarat Chandra was admiring some photographs and oil paintings, fixed on the wall.
Sarat Chandra asked “Well, Dr. Dasgupta, I find that you have good collection of large number of portraits and whose Photos are these?”
With a little hesitation Dr. Dasgupta said “These are portraits of my Guruji Sri Sri Ram Thakur.
With a beaming face Dr. Dasgupta said, that Thakur had been gracious enough to initiate him with holy “Mantra”!
Sarat Chandra said, “I find that your heart and soul is full with the grace of Thakur."
“But I have not yet known at all” said Dr. Dasgupta.
In most humble tone, Dr Dasguppta said, “Thakur did not like any publicity. That is why people as yet did not hear of his name.
It was getting late at night. Sarat Chandra humbly asked “Brother, would you please fulfill a request of mine?”
“What is it?” asked Dr Dasgupta.
Sarat Chandra said, “Would you please telephone me when Thakur next comes to your house?”
“Certainly” was the reply of Dr. Dasgupta.
After a few months Sarat Chandra, seeing Dr. Dasgupta in his house said “Your Thakur must have come”.
“Yes, about an hour ago He had come”.
“Brother, please give me a couple of minutes. I shall get ready.”
Both of them came to Ram Niwas.
In the first floor Thakur was sited on a bed. He was clad in a dhoti, almost bare body, on His shoulder was the sacred thread and he had a garland of Tulsi beads.
About 10 persons were seated in front of Him.
Seeing Sarat Chandra the persons respectfully gave him enough room.
Dr. Dasgupta paid tributes to the literary acumen of Sarat Chandra and his patriotism.
Thakur was listening patiently, but His eyes were fixed on Sarat Chandra.When Dr. Dasgupta stopped talking, Thakur told Dr. Dasgupta “Please arrange for tea and smoking for this Vaishnava”.
Sarat Chandra never heard such eulogy about him. He was overwhelmed.
Thakur said, “In this house, tea is available in plenty, but not smoking arrangements. So please send someone to Gariahat Road to bring Hookah-Kalki-tobacco”. Sarat Chandra was sitting in the Verandah. He said that it was not necessary to bring smoking arrangements from outside. Saying this, he brought out his smoking pipe and after filling up with tobacco, he lighted the same.
After tea, Sarat Chandra sat down to listen preachings Thakur was giving. When it was getting late Sarat Chandra left for his house. In the evening Sarat Chandra had come back again.
Then ensued the following conversation:
Dasgupta said, “Sarat Da, I see that you have been charmed by Thakur. So you have come back again.”
Sarat Chandra replied “Thakur is unknowable, but attractive. That is why I have come back again.”
After a little while Sarat Chandra said, “You are now very busy, there are also many devotees in the house. But I would like to hear more about Thakur”. Dr. Dasgupta said, “You are likely to be in this house for some time more. Let us see if Thakur comes here again.”
After about 15 minutes Dr. Probhat Chandra Chakraborty, Head of the Dept. of Sanskrit of Calcutta University came.
After preliminary introductions, Dr. Dasgupta took them to a side-room and requested them to have hearty discussion on Sri Sri Thakur.
That day Sarat Chandra returned home rather late at night. From next day onwards Sarat Chandra used to come for darshan of Sri Sri Thakur, sometimes in the morning, afternoon or evening.
On one occasion Dr. Dasgupta was requesting ladies and gentlemen who were present, to take Prasad, but no such request was made to Sarat Chandra. Aggrieved, Sarat Chandra said “Why are you not asking me to take Prasad”, Dasgupta replied— “Today, the Prasad is such as not likely to do good to your stomach”. Suddenly Thakur Himself appeared and said “Why should not the Vaishnava Thakur take Prasad tonight. If Prasad does any harm to him, then Dasgupta would be available to give medicines.”
At the time of going back, Sarat Chandra said, “Thakur the Prasad was excellent. So I have had a very good meal. Please do not worry about me. You can rest assured that next day I will be able to come.”
The next day he came. Sri Sri Thakur left soon thereafter.
After a few days, Sarat Chandra met Dr. Dasgupta and asked him “May I know what is your impression about Thakur?”
Came the reply— “In Thakur’s presence I felt that I am in a world of contentment— as if I have nothing more to seek for! But when I am away from Him, I feel as if I am living in a world where I have lost everything! That is why I would like to meet Him and seek His blessing!”

— Ramdas.

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